Student Information

Welcome Lawton Students!



●      Students need a safe, positive environment in order to learn.

●      Providing a safe environment is our number one priority.

●      Our discipline policies are designed to create a safe, positive environment for all students.



●      We have broad, school-wide rules that govern the way we expect students to behave:

o   We are Safe

o   We are Responsible

o   We are Respectful



●      When students follow rules “above and beyond” our expectations, they earn “PBIS Points”

o   PBIS Points can be earned for displaying our school values, attendance, and uniform adherence

o   PBIS points are used to determine participation in PBIS Events

o   Students can also spend PBIS points at the “school store”



●      Consequences are designed to encourage students to follow the rules.

●      Consequences do not fix the problems a student has caused when they break a rule.

●      Our consequences are progressive and will be applied appropriately as required.

o   Such consequences may include loss of privileges and/or participation in school-wide or grade-level activities (5th Grade Dance) and events, detention, alternative class assignment, team interventions, In-School suspension, suspension, (financial/physical) replacement of lost/damaged property.


In addition to the information included here, we also adhere to The School District of Philadelphia Code of Conduct.