Safety of Our Students is Most Important
Photo ID Required
Parents/guardians must bring a photo ID in order to pick up a child before regular dismissal time. Students can only be released to a parent, guardian or an adult (with photo identification) listed on the emergency contact list. This also applies to any child who is picked up late from the main lobby.
Parents/guardians are expected to:
1. Ensure that their children between the ages of 6 and 17 are enrolled in school and attend school regularly, on time, and for the entire school day.
2. Make personal appointments for their child after the school day or during school breaks as often as possible.
3. Provide a written excuse for every absence when your child returns to school within 3 days. An excused absence is the illness of the child, the death of a relative or a religious holiday. All other absences are considered unexcused. Family emergencies and vacation are not considered excused absences unless approved by the principal.
An absence of 3 or more consecutive days requires a doctor’s note upon return.
Students arriving after 9:10AM are marked late. Any student coming to school at 11:00 AM or after and/or leaving school at 1:30 PM or before is considered absent ½ day. Two half days will add up to 1 full day.
Shirt: White or navy blue collared polo shirt. In winter/cooler weather a long sleeve white or navy blue shirt may be worn underneath the uniform shirt.
Pants/skirts/shorts: Tan/khaki uniform style bottoms.
Shoes: Students must wear closed toe shoe. No open toe sandals or flip-flops.
Socks: White, tan, or blue solid socks or stockings
Optional: Navy blue, tan, or white sweaters may be worn on cold days but hoods are not allowed at any time.
Gym Uniform: Students should wear SNEAKERS, white socks, gray sweat pants or gray knee length shorts and a solid red tee shirt (NO GRAPHICS) on their designated gym day ONLY.
Visitor Protocol
Please read the School District’s visitor protocol document that we will be following.
Parents and guardians are encouraged to visit schools and meet with teachers and administrators about their child’s progress. Visitors to Lawton must present themselves to the school office or have standing permission from the principal. To provide safe and orderly learning environments, each visitor to public school buildings or grounds must receive authorization from the school principal or his/her designee.
Community and Parent Volunteers in our School:
Any parent/guardian or community member who wishes to volunteer their time helping support our staff and students at Henry Lawton School MUST have proper clearances first. Please click the link for more information Family and Community Engagement.
● Our alternate school site in case of emergency is Harding Middle School, located at 2000 Wakeling Street.
● Notifications will be made if emergency relocation is necessary
● Please update us ASAP if you have a change in contact information
● Complete the form attached or call the main office
o 1st Offense: Staff confiscates device and returns to student at end of day
o 2nd Offense: Staff confiscates device and parent must retrieve it from office
o 3rd Offense: Staff confiscates device and parent conference is held to determine next steps
● Attending report card conferences allows teachers and parents to communicate.
● Report cards will be issued FOUR times a year, in November, January, March and June.
● School Health Services provides a variety of services to students: screening for healthy development, special programs and assistance with referrals.
● In addition to requirements, our school nurse also provides care for students who become sick or who are injured at school.
o The school nurse will contact parents in the event of an emergency or if follow-up care by the student’s primary care/outside provider is needed.
● School District Requirements:
o Immunizations—No student will be admitted to school without documentation of proper immunizations.
o Physical examinations are required by state law when the student enters school, sixth grade and ninth grade. Parents are encouraged to take their child to their primary care physician for these examinations.
o Medication Policy—A student receiving medication in school must first have written approval from the student’s physician, the school nurse and School Health Services. No student will be permitted to take medication in school without this approval. If at all possible, medication should be given at home only. For example, antibiotics three times a day can be taken before school, immediately after school and at bedtime.
At Lawton, we are food free for birthdays. Students are welcome to bring a non-food item to share if they would like.Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.