Attendance Information

Daily attendance directly impacts your child’s success. The District’s and Lawton’s goal is to strive for 95% for our average daily attendance. In alignment with the School District of Philadelphia Policy, all absence notes need to be submitted within 3 days of the student returning to school. Coming to school every day is extremely important for all students. As a reminder, students in Philadelphia are expected to be in school for a minimum of 95% of the time. That means that your child cannot miss more than 8 days of school per school year. Both excessive absences and latenesses can result in a truancy/DHS referral. Please ensure that your child is here every day at 9:00 AM.


Parents/guardians are expected to:

1. Ensure that their children between the ages of 6 and 17 are enrolled in school and attend school regularly, on time, and for the entire school day.

2. Make personal appointments for their child after the school day or during school breaks as often as possible.

3. Provide a written excuse for every absence when your child returns to school within 3 days. An excused absence is the illness of the child, the death of a relative or a religious holiday. All other absences are considered unexcused. Family emergencies and vacation are not considered excused absences unless approved by the principal.

Click here for a copy of our Absence Note that can be filled out when your child returns to school.

An absence of 3 or more consecutive days requires a doctor’s note upon return.

More Detailed Information

Students arriving after 9:10AM are marked late. Any student coming to school at 11:00 AM or after and/or leaving school at 1:30 PM or before is considered absent ½ day. Two half days will add up to 1 full day.

Photo ID Required
Parents/guardians must bring a photo ID in order to pick up a child before regular dismissal time. Students can only be released to a parent, guardian or an adult (with photo identification) listed on the emergency contact list. This also applies to any child who is picked up late from the main lobby.



Early Dismissal (Parents Picking Students Up Early)

Early dismissals are for emergencies/urgent circumstances only. Students miss instructional time as teachers provide instruction until the end of the school day.

Everyone picking up a child from school must have a picture ID to show to staff before a child can be released. Parents/guardians must provide the names of those who are permitted to pick up their child on the forms provided. We cannot and will not release a child without written notification from a parent and photo ID of the person upon arrival in the main office. Please consult for more information regarding Early Release and Special Release procedures.




School officially begins at 9:00 a.m.  The gates will open at 9:00 a.m. to begin admission/supervision and students will have until 9:10 to get to their classroom. Your child will be marked late if they arrive after that time. Breakfast will be provided to all students as they enter and will be eaten in class.

Dismissal will begin at 3:20 p.m. for Kindergarten and Special Education programs.  Grades 1 through 5 will be dismissed at 3:30 p.m. daily.  Please note that Kindergarten will dismiss students at 12:30 the first five days of school; Monday, August 26, 2024 through Friday, August 30, 2024. On these days, Kindergarten students will dismiss through the “B” door on Lardner St.

All students will be dismissed from the doors that they enter from (see above).  Please be sure that all pick up information is current by advising teachers and the Main Office of any changes.

Please ensure that all child care agencies are fully aware of dismissal times, procedures and expectations.

All students should be picked up promptly by 3:30 PM.  Any family that does not adhere to the pick up time will be required to meet with the principal to discuss further actions.

In alignment with the School District of Philadelphia Policy, all absence notes need to be submitted within 3 days of the student returning to school. Coming to school every day is extremely important for all students. As a reminder, students in Philadelphia are expected to be in school for a minimum of 95% of the time. That means that your child cannot miss more than 8 days of school per school year. Both excessive absences and latenesses can result in a truancy/DHS referral. Please ensure that your child arrives at school every day at 9:00 AM.

Attendance & Truancy | The School District of Philadelphia