Virtual Learning

During virtual learning days, students will follow the schedule shown below.

Classroom Login9:30 AM
Live Instruction: ELA9:30 AM-10:30 AM (whole group)
Bathroom Break10:30 AM-10:45 AM
SGI/Partner Work Time10:45 AM-11:15 AM
Lunch11:15 AM-11:45 AM
Live Instruction: Math11:45 AM-12:45 PM (whole group)
SGI/Partner Work Time12:45 PM-1:15 PM
Asynchronous Work Time/Online Adaptive Programs1:15 PM-2:45 PM
Teachers available for support if needed*



Steppers for virtual learning:

Log into Google Classroom with another device other than your child’s Chromebook:

English Version

Spanish Version

Navigating to Google Classroom, Lexia, and i-Ready:

English Version

Spanish Version

How to join Google Classroom and Google Meet:

English Version

Spanish Version


During Virtual Learning Days:

Students are expected to:

  1. Attend all classes by using the Google Meet link on the following page.
  2. Be prepared each day.
  3. Be ready to learn and engage in instruction.
  4. Complete assignments on time each day for each class.
  5. Adhere to the Student Code of Conduct at all times while engaged in digital learning.
  6. Abide by all internet policies and procedures.
  7. Submit their work assignments for each day, by a pre-established deadline for completion of that work as communicated by the teacher.


Parents are expected to:

  1. Have their children ready to engage every day in digital learning.
  2. Support their children in logging into the system, if necessary.
  3. Provide a space so that students can concentrate on learning.
  4. Assist with contacting support from teachers if their child is struggling.
  5. Contact the teacher each time their child is unable to attend school on any day and provide the reason.
  6. Share with the teacher or school-based staff any barriers to their child’s continuous attendance that could impact the student’s educational achievement.


Attendance During 100% Digital Learning: 

The following guidance for attendance during 100% digital learning will be implemented when students are NOT daily entering school buildings and, instead, receiving all digital instruction.

Attendance will be:

  1. Taken for each attendance bearing period for which the student is scheduled.
  2. Recorded for all periods and for all students by the end of each school day.
  3. If a student attends fewer than all their classes each day and the student’s parent or guardian has not provided a written excuse for the absence, the student will be considered cutting class.